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A Treatise on Sacrilege and Spiritlessness

“I believe The Dreaming.”

(JM-Weno; [1994 – 40-yrs ago & nuttin has changed])

I revere the yet-beating Heart-Rock (Uluru), of Australia, and The Dreaming [TD] of our ancient Australian (auAnc), people; And why not? TD, is older, more time-tested than most, if not all ‘religions’ worldwide. The guiding principles for a life of peace with nature [Mother] and other humans, seemed to be working quite well by the pristine look of the land and waters – and the lack of fully-armed ancAu soldiers, at Euro-Colonial ‘settlement’. No angry Gods had ever told them to smite an entire Tribe right down to children and babes. No slavery by one tribe over another. No massive Pyramids built over generations of slaves for the ‘Royals’ ‘resting’ places…

F-Y-aye-aye and ‘News-flash!’ folk! Jesus, The Christ – ‘a/the son of God’ – didn’t go to the Middle-East by mistake or sumtink! It wasn’t because they were all so pious that G-The-Father wanted to congratulate them. I imagine the ‘eternal everlasting Trio’, don’t make many geographical errors tbh! No, it seems that even God felt She hadda do something to stop the ongoing folly of hate and long-lived disputes, land-grabs and slavery in that area of the unique blue planet They had put together.

Why She? Why God as feminine you ask? Well; Imagine a ‘Male’ [with 3 little hanging things that make him totally feckin better than anything else in creation!] making all this intricate creation! I can just see it now…

“Somewhere in the Great Beyond”

“Hey! Father-God! Yer got a minute?” the HG says dryly to his eternal companion – looking for a laugh and failing again – while regarding the great bloody jigsaw they were putting together in just seven freakin days! Luckily, ‘Their’ stupendously-long epocc-ee-okial ‘Days’ were quite a bit longer than this planets’ would be; ‘About a trillion to one,’ HG mused, as They moved closer to gain FG’s attention.

“Where-abouts do we want this blinkin great mountain-range thingy on the Blue planet, der cuz? Wat-cha rekin, eh?” ‘They’ query, when FG doesn’t acknowledge Them or Their Ghostly words. FG, watching cloud-TV-Sport, responds irritably.

“God-dam-it, HG! Just plonk the bloody thing anywhere. It doesn’t matter that much, really…” He says, with 1-1-zillionth of his attention on what HG was saying.

HG; “But Lordy-lawd an’ God-A-mighty!” HG says exasperated. “It’s right in the middle of a beautiful big flowing river, I, ah…? We… um, made?” HG responds.

FG; “Well, we made Water to go around things didn’t we!? Geez HG!! I’m tryin to watch the goddam heavenly Game! So will ya just wrack-off and leave me in peace for 5-blinkin Earth minutes, fer My bloody sakes! I mean! Can’t a God get a bit of bloody peace in His own heavenly freakin House?! Fer your illegitimate Son’s freakin sake! HG!” FG says crossly, as He turns up the sound of the, ‘Angels’ Vs ‘The Devils’ game on His Cloud-viewer. FG shakes His great big everlasting head; Creating large roiling storms around the Blue Planet. “Against all the bloody angelic Heavenly odds, those rotten low-life Devils are winning!” He almost shouts, and creates thunder and lightning below…

NB* I’ll probably go to Hell for that bit, and anybody that laughed, or even grinned wryly is comin right with me!

No! God, is – in all the best betting-circles – not a male! If there be an everlasting being somewhere that put all this wonderful stuff together, y’all can be propa-sure it’s a female of the species; A ‘Mother-God’ actually makes more sense in the overall scheme of Universal gender-ic-ity. Look around! Everywhere else in Nature, Feminine does Creation, while the other does the ‘deed’, while posing and fighting other males…


“A bit to the left there dear… Hmm? No; That doesn’t work. In fact it quite upsets the colour-balance I’m after there. Look, dearest, just put that mountain down for a minute while we [meaning, ‘I’] think about it more. And – we’ll have a quick look at ‘Man’, eh? We seem to have added a bit too much testosterone there I’m thinking… And, I’ve got no idea where that rude, overbearing arrogance comes from? I certainly didn’t add it to the mix, I know that! That entire thing with that bloody snake from the Garden that we put between their legs there, seems to have driven them a tad insane if you ask me; But who am I to judge?” She says humbly…

Back to the Middle-East’s long-standing, ‘Religious’ issues. Of the 12-Tribes originating from Adey & Evey, Cain & [I thought I was] Abel, two tribes remained loyal. Judah and Benjamin formed their own kingdom in the South (the kingdom of Judah). For the next two hundred years, these kingdoms sometimes joined to fight off foreign invaders, but quite often fought each other, (2 Kings, and 1 & 2 Chronicles) …

Meanwhile; Down-under In Oz, for mebbe 100,000+ years: A bitta huntin, bitta gatherin, bitta dancing, bitta teachin chills about the Dreaming lore, and how it worked in the world they lived in; Bitta laughing a lot, and crying at loved ones departed back into the [dark-matter ] ‘circle’, whence they came. “Mediation”, was part and parcel of existence; Paramount, with there being so many Tribes nationally [and so much posing and fighting by males]. Medi-bloody-ation! A term, that seem-ed/s to be missing from the remnant descendants of the 12-Tribes ober-der, and the entire civilised world altogether these days…

FYI – self-confessed ‘Shadow-peeps’: Hey! You there! Yes, you with your head down and the weight of the world on your frail human psyche (‘Sii-kee’). You wanna see a fair-dinkum, genuine, modern-day, tru-god-not-gammin Miracle to liven up your ‘boring’ day? Somethin to give you some/any reason to go forward with joy and hope each day?

Well take an actual good bloody look around! Every day we see tangible wonders [kinda-like great big bloody Miracles really!] in the life we live within. We hear wonders. See them. Taste them. Feel them; Are filled with wonders so constantly we regrettably cease to see them as Wonders anymore: don’t stop to think about the humble tree you just walked past on your way to work that yet lives, and has stood for hundreds of years. Sitting in one place for all its great life. It’s strong supple body swaying up high with the sweet gentle breeze up off the hot ground – singing its wind-driven leaf-songs that only some few dreamers will ever hear. It’s strong branches bending lithely in winds that have travelled around our world faster than our fastest jets; In fact, only dependent on our point of view, the humble Tree and invisible Wind are quite large, slap-ya-in-da-face everyday Miracles, good folk.

Highways are built around the tree. Men run to and fro around it’s patient gaze and rest in the shade of its branches and leaves when it gets too hot; Unless of course, they’re on a mission to build ‘beautiful’ manmade things, from the beautiful and much-needed beautiful natural things; And, to make their ‘fortunes’ of course! Heat, sweat, flies and burned red skin won’t bother them boys – we know only too well!

Livin the Dream

Imagine the lifestyle and culture of our unique and adaptable ancAu (ancient Australian), people, over the course of a multitude of generations in this unique land. No Power, telephones, TV, cars, planes, newspapers. No trying to get ahead of your neighbour – to where? If you lived in the ‘bush’ with only ‘nature’ and the Dreaming lore to guide your everyday life, you would start to feel the arms and ears of the Mother and the land’s Great spiritual power; You might even slow to take more note of the trees that have lived longer, and know more than you will ever know. The sacred river that brings life, food and cleanliness to your people. The rocks and mountains that seem to stand forever, mighty and unbreachable (until, iron-ore, coal, oil, gold, diamonds, uranium etc+etc were discovered), have names and spirit within and around their long-lived existence…

Tell me, ‘downcast-eyes’ friend’? How long has it been since you stopped and took stock of this wonderful, natural world around you? How much time has passed since you were that little child, standing in the rain and laughing at the wet stuff that miraculously falls from the sky whenever it feels like a good cry? Gazed afar to that majestic mountain-range in the distance in wonder of what may be over there? Imagination running riot from a particular, ever-changing sky-cloud that caught your ever-curious adolescent eye? That feeling of holding a tiny piece of something ‘just rather special’, within – and tasting that warm life-dreaming of your own?

Didn’t you know sad-of-eye? Did not anyone teach your spirit? That – that deep warm feeling within The Dreaming is supposed to grow old with you; To comfort you on sad, cold and weary nights deep down at the core of you. To hold you warm and safe within its strong, steady, raw ancient arms…

But alas and alack! No! We must ‘grow-up!’ and become ‘Adults’; Get involved in intimate and close relationships we actually have no idea how to ‘work’ successfully. Get married for loneliness’ or safety’s, or financials’ sake. Pursue careers, find work, worry constantly about our possessions, other’s possessions. And, never forget the great Australian Dream; To buy a house and land of your very own. Seriously? How can anyone actually ‘buy’ ‘land’ on a freakin planet revolving in Space and tearing across the Universe hither and thither to some higher authority than we’ll ever have, or know of!

It’s (Real-Estate), a man-made construct, created to make easy-profit for well-spoken, over-confident indolent folk that didn’t want to ‘work’ the land… ‘Real-Estate’ is an oxymoron – it’s not actually ‘real’. More like: ‘reel-you-in’, to make a profit on your dreams without sweatin’, I Rocky-raccoon…

You’re born naked, you will die ‘naked’ of anything that formerly ‘mattered’ so much, and all that you’re given to survive here, is the Earth and what else ‘lives’ on its gracious back.

But in the long-run, even filthy-rich real-estate ‘Moguls’ pass on and become just food for the Earth, on which future children will walk and play on – and, with luck, will get a taste of The Dreaming, while their tiny consciousness is yet clear of the muck of the gluttonous Industrial world…

To sum up this human condition of blandness and lacklustre living is literally beyond this middle-aged descendant of those unique, amazingly-adaptable ancient peeps: ‘found’ down-under a mere 250 years ago. For like them, I too see, hear, taste and touch such daily wonders and am yet stunned by TD’s daily multifaceted Miracles…

Mate! Yer crazier than Patsy Cline’s song!

“All that Dreaming-ancient mystic shit! It’s not important, or even real! Made up by them “noble-savage” idjuts,” I heard people say. “Now we know Life’s just a game, an illusion mate! You just play it as it is, bro! Straight-out bloody Nihilism, if it comes to that!” I heard some say, which =’s; There is no ‘good’ God, no bad Devil, no guilt, no good reason to act ‘humanitarian-ly.’ Do whatever turns you on and fuck the consequences! It’s all a Dream mate! (Couldn’t agree more mate; But a Dreaming with consequences). Sound like a big country over the seas whose society is beginning to collapse under such nihilistic, modern concepts?

Nevertheless, you and I still hear a real baby cry at night from real teething pain? See real blood flow from a real wound, real sap flowing from the wounds of trees that have stood for longer than our short lives. I’ve seen wondrous real sights with my eyes. I’ve heard wondrous sounds with my ears. I’ve felt the rush of The Dreaming-life pulling me through Space and Time. I’ve seen my own children birth and grow from the joining of the balances of humanity – man and woman.

And, in the long run, for mine at least, it’s The Dreaming that balances out our lives; Gives cause to carry on in the face of harsh realities that would drop a giant-Giant in its freakin big-foot tracks. It’s The Dreaming in all of us that keeps that joyful sound in our throats; A smile in our eyes and on our face. An optimistic PoV on our sweet, short, eventful lives, which radiates to all those we meet along the amazing journey…

The Dreaming yet lives folk; Grab it while yer can…

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