The Mystery of the Fethafoot

Introduction: from FfC # 1 – Nyarla and the Circle of Stones

My Clan and its mysteries have been kept out of common knowledge and history in my homeland of Australia: the Island continent you may know as that brown land down-under. This is the Clan way. To succeed in their duty, secrecy is a prerequisite to safeguard mission and warrior. With the coming of the pale-skinned Ghosts - a little over 200 years ago - and their written language, we now have a means to reveal the intriguing history of our covert Clan, to other Australians and to those many new people’s that now call this majestic land home. Our Elders’ also gift them to the modern world at large. If you were born in Australia you may have heard such stories told around campfires and family meals; about the Australian Aboriginal magic man or Kadaicha - the soft-foot clever-man - as our people named our Clan sundry years ago.

During these chronicles, you will find that our warriors use a form of mystical travel and have no need of Shank’s Pony, as the act of walking is often called in Australia. In times of need for speed, these relentless spectres walk the ancient Dreamtime ‘creation-song-lines’ that cross every sacred feature of our wide red-brown land: out of Space and Time as we know such. Across 50,000 years of reinforced superstition, fear and awe, the Clan became known as The Fethafoot: half-human half-spirit beings that could come and go at will leaving no trace… Kadaicha spirit-warriors… Shape-shifting spies that transform as required into Judge Jury and Executioner. Unknown to the majority and, a great boon to our work, many of these enigmatic warriors arise from that innocuous and delicate gender of the language-creatures.

This pithy glimpse will give you some idea of the enigmatic Clan. You will discover a more intricate use of their unique gifts and talents as you read the chronicles and, as the need for their unique individual skills occur. Please – enjoy my people’s pleasure in the telling of these chronicles. Although they are not in chronological order, they have been recorded as passed down for all to enjoy: to example the many unknown vibrant treasures of our first people and our ancient lands vibrant past. A journey will take you into the mostly unknown, moral and ethical heart of my people, from Dreamtime to today.

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